Understanding the Legal Elements Required to Prove Undue Influence Under Florida Law

Undue influence is a legal concept often invoked in cases involving wills, trusts, life insurance, and other financial and legal documents, particularly when there are allegations that someone has improperly influenced the decision-making process of another person, often an elderly or vulnerable individual. In Florida, proving undue influence involves demonstrating that the influence exerted over the individual creating or signing the document was so significant that it overpowered their free will, leading to decisions they would not have made independently.

Elements of Undue Influence in Florida

To establish a claim of undue influence under Florida law, several elements must be proven. These elements are designed to show that an individual was subjected to improper pressure or manipulation that affected their decisions.

Confidential Relationship

The first element is the existence of a confidential relationship between the influencer and individual. This means that the individual trusted the influencer and relied on the influencer for advice or assistance. Common examples of such relationships include those between family members, caregivers, and legal or financial advisors. The confidential relationship creates an environment where the influencer has the opportunity to exert undue influence over the individual.

Active Procurement

Active procurement refers to the influencer's involvement in the creation or execution of the document at issue. To prove active procurement, courts often look at several factors, including:

  • Whether the influencer was present during the drafting of the document

  • Whether the influencer recommended or secured the services of the attorney who prepared the document

  • Whether the influencer knew the contents of the document before it was executed

  • Whether the influencer instructed the attorney or individual on what provisions to include in the document

  • Whether the influencer was present at the execution of the document

  • Whether the influencer kept the document after its execution

These factors help to establish whether the influencer had a significant role in the process, suggesting the possibility of undue influence.

Substantial Benefit

Another crucial element is whether the influencer received a substantial benefit from the document. If the influencer is a primary beneficiary, especially if the benefit is disproportionate compared to others who would have naturally received assets (like other family members), it raises a red flag for undue influence.

Burden of Proof and Legal Presumptions

In Florida, the burden of proof initially lies with the person challenging the document. They must present evidence suggesting undue influence. However, if they can establish the elements of a confidential relationship, active procurement, and substantial benefit, a presumption of undue influence arises. This shifts the burden of proof to the alleged influencer, who must then provide evidence to rebut the presumption.

Case Law and Statutory Framework

Florida courts have established guidelines for determining undue influence through various cases, and these precedents provide valuable insights. One notable case is In Re Estate of Carpenter, which outlines the factors for active procurement. Florida Statutes also provide a legal framework that supports these judicial decisions, ensuring that the principles of fairness and justice are upheld.

Practical Considerations

Proving undue influence can be challenging, as it often requires a combination of direct and circumstantial evidence. Witnesses, documents, and expert testimony can be crucial in building a strong case. Additionally, given the complex nature of these cases, it is advisable to seek legal representation from an experienced attorney.


Undue influence is a serious allegation with significant legal implications. Understanding the elements required to prove undue influence under Florida law is essential for anyone involved in a dispute over a document created or executed with the involvement of an influencer.

Joel Ewusiak has litigated cases involving allegations of undue influence. Please contact Joel for legal assistance with your particular matter.