What is the Statute of Limitations for a Fraud Claim?

Under Florida law, a legal or equitable action founded on fraud must be commenced within four years.  See Florida Statutes Section 95.11(3)(j).   The four year statute of limitations for fraud begins to run from the time the facts giving rise to the cause of action were discovered or should have been discovered with the exercise of due diligence.  However, regardless of the date that the fraud was or should have been discovered, an action for fraud must be begun within 12 years after the date of the commission of the alleged fraud.  See Florida Statutes Section 95.031(2)(a); See also Hess v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 175 So. 3d 687, 695 n.10 (Fla. 2015).  

Joel Ewusiak frequently represents parties in lawsuits and arbitration proceedings involving allegations of fraud.  Please contact Joel for legal assistance with your particular matter.